He'd never deceit me, never, officer. believe me.
You're absoloutely right madam. But what if he was dishonest with you, just this one time ?
Why officer? He'd never lies to me officer. Never.
Madam, you have to help us with this awkward scenario. I know it's tough, but please just be more rational and solemn at this time.
You saw you husband; killed the dog, and he convinced you, what you saw was a false impression ; a bad dream!?
Yes officer, he told me so, and he never lies to me. Never.
what if i tell you, miss....'s dog is missing, and you; as you said before; you were with him, when he drove to miss... 's house. you saw him, when he knoced the door, no body answered. then you saw him going to the bac door; opening it. The dog started barking, so he opened his leash; telling you, he is not opening his leash. He took the barking dog, pushed him to the back seat of his car, drove back to your house; telling you he's not kidnapping the dog.
He threw the dog in to your garage; betead him up; telling you he's not hurt the dog.
He took his gun, shouted the dog; telling you he's not shouted the gun.
He took the dog's unmoving body to the garden; telling you he is not going to the garden.
He started digging the ground beside the cherry tree; pulled the dog, threw it in to the hole, burried the dead dog; telling you he's not burrying the dog.
He went to his gu, cleaned it suspiciously; telling you he hasn't touched the gun.
Am i right madam?
-Yes, officer, i saw them all, i guess so!
-So, if you support what i said, so whydon't you agree with our judgement? he killed the dog, so he is guilty.
-No, officer, he didn't kill the dog and he is not guilty.
It'll all illusion; my bad dream; very bad dream, he told me so, and he is right.
officer,It's not the my first time; i'm in absolute image. it happens a lot. or i shall say, it happens all the time.
-Madam, may i ask you something? when did you start having these extensive illusions?
- Yes, officer. since i married this naive, pure-heart, truthful man.
when we got married, he promissed me he'll be always sincere and honest with me, he also promised, he'll help me out, upcoming my mistaken, brutal vision, about him.
Because, at the first sight, i had this improper vision, that i caught him, while he was stealing from my house; that's how we first met, officer.
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