Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wake Me Up Tomorrow!

You wake up in the morning and all of a sudden you feel the heavy pressure of a gloomy day , you feel a strong sense of suffocation & want it to end right after it started. you imagine skipping the page and going to the next chapter. Even though the next chapter is totally unknown , thinking about it blooms a feeling of hope inside you that predicts " most days on the next chapter- especially the first day- are light, sunny and full of fresh air!" No matter how true your prediction of the next chapter might turn out to be, you believe it as the truth and the only truth for now! This is how we humans survive our day-to-day life struggles : There is always an illusionary beautiful tomorrow! Salome N. Saz

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day!

ديگر شاهد أهسته أهسته گذر عمر پدرم نسيتم .شاهد اثر ارام مرور زمان بر چهره زيباي مادرم نسيتم شاهد روزهاي تولد, جشن هاي عروسي، مراسم عزاي ماد ر بزرگ، پدر بزرگ، خنده ها ، عضه ها نسيتم و عزيزانم سنگيني مرور زمان را بر شانه هاي من نميبينند. حال خوب مرا نميبينند و صداي لحظه هاي تنهايي و دلگير مرا نميشنوند إز أنها فقط خاطره عشق به جا مانده در ذهن خسته و وفادار من وقتي سرنوشت من را با دوري پيوند زد زمان را در ذهن و قلبم منجمد كردم، چرا كه حركت زمان خاطره هايم را كهنه و كهنه و كهنه تر ميكرد و رنگ و جلاي ان لحظه هاي زيبا و كم نظير را اهسته اهسته كم ميكرد. اري، چند صباحي است كه فقط من مانده ام و اين خاطره ها؛ خاطره هايم را با قطره هاي گاه به گاه اشك دلتنگي و روياهاي دلنشين شبانه جلا ميدهم روز پدر را إز رآه دور به بهترين خاطره زندگيم تبريك ميگويم و زير لب براي أو از پشت گوشي تلفن زمزمه ميكنم پدرم دوستت دارم ، و دعا دعا ميكنم كه مبادا اين بهترين اين عزيزترين اين دلنشين پدر لرزش قلب دلتنگ مرا إز رآه دور حس كند . ارزو دارم مرا هميشه شاد و خندان تصور كند ، چون ميدانم أو به لبخند من شادمان است! سالومه ١٦ جون ٢٠١٣

Sunday, February 24, 2013

This Mysterious Life- Puzzle

Watching a burning cigarette sizzling in the wind took me back to my very past, to those days of melancholy and despair when the volcano of absolute isolation and fear shuddered me bitterly. Though, something strange happened inside me. Looking back at the sad scenery of my life, I felt a soft breeze of sincere peace and gratification grew within me. Yes, my travel to the past put a genuine smile on my lips instead of making me unhappy. Finally the closure I was looking for so long landed leniently on my bare hands : Hadn't I been gone through all those layers of disappointment and despair, in which I buried my hope, faith and trust over and over, I wouldn't have found some missing pieces of the mysterious life- puzzle. Salome. N.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Freedom is not my cup of tea!

I keep telling myself: " breath... breath ,.. do not hold your breadth." Then again I often catch myself holding my breadth ; suppressing life within my heart . I guess despite of all the years I've spent in the new places where I have unlimited access to fresh air (where i can breath as fully as i want to for free), the idea of living to the fullest and breathing life in thoroughly has not yet become my cup of tea. After all, I'm an immigrant. in the land I came from they don't put free " fresh air " on the market for ordinary consumers like me. Salome N.